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Friday, May 10, 2024

Korean Rice Balls Recipe /Jumeokbap Recipe / Korean Vegetarian Joomuk Bap Recipe / Korean Style Rice And Veggie Balls Recipe

images of Korean Rice Balls Recipe /Jumeokbap Recipe / Korean Vegetarian Joomuk Bap Recipe / Korean Style Rice And Veggie Balls Recipe
Korean Style Rice And Vegetables Balls


Cooked sticky rice - 2 cups

(short or medium grain rice, sushi rice)

Finely chopped carrots, zucchini and mushrooms - 1 & 1/2 cups

Chopped garlic - 2

Chopped onion - a handful

Spring onions - 1 tsp ( optional)

Rice vinegar - 3 tsp

Salt and pepper powder to taste

Toasted sesame seeds - 2 tbsp.

Crushed seaweeds - 1/8 cup

Sesame oil - 3 tsp

Spring onions for garnish ( optional)

images of Korean Rice Balls Recipe /Jumeokbap Recipe / Korean Vegetarian Joomuk Bap Recipe / Korean Style Rice And Veggie Balls Recipe


Heat oil in a pan sauté onion and garlic till color changes. Add the chopped vegetables and sauté in high flame for 2 minutes.

Add the rice vinegar, salt and pepper powder mix well and switch off the stove.

Add the spring onions , little sesame seeds and the cooked rice, pour a tsp of sesame oil and mix till well combined..

Cool and shape them into tight balls and roll them on sesame seeds and seaweeds.

Enjoy with any tip you like!

images of Korean Rice Balls Recipe /Jumeokbap Recipe / Korean Vegetarian Joomuk Bap Recipe / Korean Style Rice And Veggie Balls Recipe
Korean Vegetable Rice Balls


Meat eater can add cooked salmon, bulgogi, etc.

Thanks for visiting !

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