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Showing posts with label Sweets /Desserts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sweets /Desserts. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Ariyunda Recipe / Rice Ladoo Recipe / Roasted Rice Balls / Sweet Rice and Coconut Balls - Easy Ladoo Recipe

images of  Ariyunda Recipe / Rice Ladoo Recipe / Roasted Rice Balls / Sweet Rice and Coconut Balls - Easy Ladoo Recipe
Yields: 8 small ladoos     


Par boiled rice , Red rice or Rose matta rice - 1 cup

Jaggery - 3/4 cup

Grated coconut - 1/2 cup

Water - 1/4

Cardamom -6

Jeera - 1/4 tsp

Dry ginger powder - 1/2 tsp


Wash rice once or twice and add it into a pan in low flame dry roast till golden brown colour and crunchy. Do not over fry and burn the rice.

Let the rice cool down take a mixie jar or a coffee grinder add the roasted rice, cardamom, coconut , jeera and ginger powder dry grind to a fine powder. Transfer to a plate and keep it aside

Melt jaggery in water and filter to remove impurities.

Pour the hot jaggery syrup into the ground mixture and mix it with a spoon , once warm to hold mix well and shape it into tight balls. Once cooled they will become hard.



Fried cashew nuts in ghee can be added for extra taste.

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Monday, April 8, 2024

Brinjal And Nuts Poli / Brinjal Poli Recipe / Eggplant Poli Recipe / Poli Recipes

images of Brinjal And Nuts Poli / Brinjal Poli Recipe / Eggplant Poli Recipe
Brinjal Poli

Yields: 15 Poli

Ingredients for the stuffing

Cashew nut - 1/4 cup
Almond - 1/4 cup
Peanuts - 1/4 cup
Sesame seeds -  1/4 cup
Fresh coconut - 1/4 cup
Powdered jaggery - 1 & 1/4 cup
( If your jaggery is too sweet then reduce)
Cardamom -10
Ghee - 1 tbsp
Eggplant - 1 big
( Cut the eggplant into half cover and microwave it for 2 minutes or till soft. Cool and grind to a smooth paste along with the skin. You can steam them too)


Dry roast all the nuts, sesame and coconut separately till light brown. Do not  burn them.
Cool them and powder the ingredients along with cardamom to a fine powder.
Take a non stick pan add the eggplant paste, ground powder and powdered jaggery.
In low flame cook the mixture till it leaves the sides of the pan and forms into a mass.
Switch off the stove add the ghee and mix it well.
Cool the mixture and divide the portion into equal size balls.

Ingredients for outer covering

Wheat flour - 1 cup heaped
Maida / All purpose flour - 1 cup heaped
Salt a pinch
Turmeric powder - 2 generous pinches
Oil - 2 tbsp
Water as needed
Ghee as needed to cook the poli


Take a bowl add maida, wheat flour, oil, salt mix to resemble bread crumbs.
Now slowly add water little by little till you form a soft dough.
Cover & rest it for 10 minutes. Divide the dough to equal size balls.
Grease a plastic sheet place the covering ball on top flatten it slightly place a filling ball on top & cover it. Make sure its sealed well.
Apply oil to your fingers and evenly flatten it to a thin disc. You can also use a rolling pin to roll. Make sure the stuffing doesn't come out.
Heat a tawa cook the poli with ghee till slight brown on both sides.
Serve them warm.


a) If you think the jaggery you are using is very sweet then reduce the quantity.
b) As the jaggery was sand free and clean i used it directly otherwise dilute it in water filter and then use.
c) I have used one large eggplant you can make this even with small or medium size brinjals.
d) If you don't have microwave just steam the brinjals.

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Kaipola Recipe / Ripe Plantain Egg Cake Recipe / Malabar Plantain Egg Cake / Malabar Kaipola Recipe - Kerala Sweet Recipes


images of Kaipola Recipe / Ripe Plantain Egg Cake Recipe / Malabar Plantain Egg Cake / Malabar Kaipola Recipe - Kerala Sweet Recipes


Ethapazham / Ripe Kerala plantains / Nendrapazham - 1 large chopped

Eggs - 2

Sugar - 1/8 cup

( add more if needed)

Milk powder - 1 tbsp

( dilute it in some milk)

Cardamom powder - 1/4 tsp

Salt a pinch

Cashew nuts - a handful

Raisins - a handful

Ghee - 1 tbsp


Heat ghee in a pan and sauté the plantain for few minutes remove to a plate. In the same pan add some ghee and sauté cashew nuts and raisins till color changes. Let everything cool.

Take a blender add eggs, cardamom powder, salt, milk powder and sugar bend till smooth.

Transfer to a bowl add the fried nuts and banana mix till combined , sprinkle some on top.

Grease a non stick pan pour the mixture cover it with a tight lid and in low flame cook till cooked, switch off the stove.

Cool completely flip it on to a plate , cut and enjoy with tea !


a) If using a cake pan pour the mixture inside the pan take a vessel keep a metal  trivet inside. 

Place the cake pan on top of the trivet and cover it with a tight lid and in low flame cook till done. This way the base of the cake will not burn.

b) If you don't have milk powder replace it with just milk.

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Friday, April 5, 2024

Easy Baklava Recipe / Easy Baklava Pinwheel Recipe / No Filling Easy Baklava Recipe / Quick Baklava Recipe / No Filling Baklava Roll

images of Easy Baklava Recipe / Easy Baklava Pinwheel Recipe / No Filling Easy Baklava Recipe / Quick Baklava Recipe
No Filling Baklava

Phyllo Dough 16 oz/ 2 rolls - 1 used only 1 roll 

Chopped pistachios - 15

Melted butter - 1 cup

Syrup ingredients

Sugar -1 &1/4 cups

Water - 3/4 cup 

Rose essence a tiny drop

Lemon juice - 1 tsp 

All spice powder - a generous  pinch 

(or add Cinnamon powder)

Dry rose petals for garnish

( Take a pan add all spice powder , water and sugar , cook till the sugar has dissolved and slightly sticky.  Do not cook till string consistency. Switch off the stove add the lemon juice and rose essence mix and keep it aside)

images of Easy Baklava Recipe / Easy Baklava Pinwheel Recipe / No Filling Easy Baklava Recipe / Quick Baklava Recipe
Quick Baklava


Cut the roll into 1/2 " thick pieces and gently place it into a greased muffin tray.
Brush the butter generously on top of each rolls , make sure all the layers has butter.
Bake this at 350 deg. F for 45 minutes or till crisp and brown.
Each oven is different so temperature and baking time may vary.
Remove from the oven and pour the warm syrup on top of each baklava.
Sprinkle the pistachio on top of the baklava garnish with rose petals and serve.


This is a quick version of making baklava , for regular baklava recipe click HERE

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Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Tender Coconut Payasam / Elaneer Payasam Recipe / Tender Coconut Kheer / No Cook Tender Coconut Payasam / No Oil No Boil Recipe / Easy Payasam Recipes


images of Tender Coconut Payasam / Elaneer Payasam Recipe / Tender Coconut Kheer / No Cook Tender Coconut Payasam  /  No Oil No Boil Recipe / Easy Payasam Recipes
Tender Coconut Payasam


Evaporated milk - 2 cups

( or boil 4 cups of milk and reduce it to 2 cups)

Tender coconut pulp - 1 cup

Tender coconut water - 1 cup

Coconut milk - 1 cup

Condensed milk - 1 tbsp

( add more or less according to your taste)

Cardamom powder - a very tiny pinch do not add more

images of Tender Coconut Payasam / Elaneer Payasam Recipe / Tender Coconut Kheer / No Cook Tender Coconut Payasam  /  No Oil No Boil Recipe / Easy Payasam Recipes
Elaneer Payasam

Take a blender add tender coconut pulp and coconut water, grind to a coarse mixture.

Take a bowl mix all above ingredients together, mix till combined.

Refrigerate and serve chill.

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Sunday, February 25, 2024

Flaxseed Ladoo Recipe / Flaxseed Ladoo With Jaggery / Flaxseed Almond and Sesame Ladoo / Avisaginjala ladoo Recipe - Easy Ladoo Recipe

images of Flax Seed Ladoo Recipe  / Flax Seed Ladoo With Jaggery / Flaxseed Almond and Sesame Ladoo /  Avisaginjala ladoo Recipe  - Easy Ladoo Recipe
Flax Seed Ladoo

Dry roasted and powdered flaxseeds - 1 cup

Dry roasted and powdered almonds - 1/2 cup

Dry roasted and powdered sesame seeds - 1/4 cup

Powdered jaggery - 1 cup (heaped)

( Make sure your jaggery is clean and has no impurities)

Cardamom - 4 ( powdered)

Warm melted ghee - as needed to bind the ladoo

images of Flax Seed Ladoo Recipe  / Flax Seed Ladoo With Jaggery / Flaxseed Almond and Sesame Ladoo /  Avisaginjala ladoo Recipe  - Easy Ladoo Recipe
Flax seed almond Sesame Ladoo

Take all the ingredients into a bowl and mix, add warm melted ghee little by little and shape it into tight ladoos.

Easy ladoo is ready to serve!

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Friday, February 16, 2024

Paramannam Recipe / Rice Payasam Recipe / Indian Rice Pudding / Bellam Paramannam Recipe / Andhra Rice And Jaggery Kheer / Annam Payasam Recipe - Ratha Saptami Festival Prasadam


images of Paramannam Recipe / Rice Payasam Recipe / Indian Rice Pudding / Bellam Paramannam Recipe / Andhra Rice And Jaggery Kheer / Annam Payasam Recipe - Ratha Saptami Festival Prasadam


Sona masoori rice - 1 cup

Water - 1 cup

Milk - 4 cups

Powdered jaggery - 1 & 1/2 cups

( make sure your jaggery is clean without any impurities)

Crushed cardamom - 8

Edible camphor - a pinch ( optional)

Ghee - 4 tbsp

Fried raisins and cashew nut - 1 tbsp each ( optional)

images of Paramannam Recipe / Rice Payasam Recipe / Indian Rice Pudding / Bellam Paramannam Recipe / Andhra Rice And Jaggery Kheer / Annam Payasam Recipe - Ratha Saptami Festival Prasadam

Add washed rice , milk and water into a pressure cook and cook the rice till soft.

Cool and open the lid add the jaggery and in low flame give a quick mix till jaggery is dissolved.

Switch off the stove and add the cardamom powder, ghee and nuts, mix well and enjoy hot!


a) This prasadam is served to Lord Surya the Sun god on Ratha saptami.festival.

b) When serving the prasadam to the god nuts are not added.

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Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Gulkand Phirni / Rose Gulkand Phirni / Gulkand Kheer / Rose Flavoured Rice Pudding

images of Gulkand Phirni / Rose Gulkand Phirni / Gulkand Kheer / Rose Flavoured Rice Pudding
Gulkand Phirni


Whole milk - 3 cups
Homemade gulkand - 1 & 1/2 tbsp
( pulse it once in mixi)
Cardamom - 3 finely powdered
Chopped pistachio and almonds - 6 each
Sugar - 2 tbsp
( add according to your taste)
Basmati rice - 1/8 cup
( soak it in water for 1 hour, add some milk and grind it to a coarse paste)
Rose essence few drops

images of Gulkand Phirni / Rose Gulkand Phirni / Gulkand Kheer / Rose Flavoured Rice Pudding


Pour milk in a heavy bottom vessel bring it to a boil.
Now add the rice paste and in low flame cook till is thick and rice is cooked.
Add the sugar,gulkand and cardamom powder cook for a minute and switch off the stove.
Lastly add the chopped nuts and rose essence mix till everything is well combined.
Serve this Gulkand phirni warm or cold.

Rose Gulkand

a) For quick version you can add rice flour and make this dish.
b) You can add few drop of Rooh Afza on top of the phirni just before serving.

Link for Homemade Gulkand click HERE
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Friday, February 9, 2024

Jackfruit Payasam Recipe / Chakka Payasam Recipe / Chakka Pradhaman Recipe / Jackfruit Kheer Recipe - Onam Sadhya Recipes


images of Jackfruit Payasam Recipe / Chakka Payasam Recipe / Chakka Pradhaman Recipe / Jackfruit Kheer Recipe - Onam Sadhya Recipes
Jackfruit Payasam


Chopped ripe jackfruit - 8 large size

Thick coconut milk - 1 cup

Jaggery - 1/2 cup or add according to the sweetness of the fruit

( dissolve in water to remove impurities', filter and keep it aside)\

Crushed cardamom - 2

Yellow moongh dal - 1/8 cup

Ghee - 8 tsp

Cashew nuts - 10

Raisins - 2 tsp

Coconut cut into bits - 1 tbsp


Heat 1 tsp ghee in a pressure cooker fry moongh dal till light brown.

Lower the flame add the chopped jackfruit and sauté for 2 to 3 minutes.

Pour water and pressure cook till soft, once cool open the pressure cooker and mash the mixture.

Pour the crushed cardamom , coconut milk and jaggery liquid , in low flame give a boil and switch off the stove.

Pour ghee in a pan and coconut and fry till golden brown add it into the payasam. In the same ghee fry the cashew nuts and raisins fry and pour it into the payasam.

Mix everything well and enjoy warm.


a) Adding crushed dry ginger powder and cumin powder give a nice flavor.

b) If your payasam is thick add some hot milk and mix.

c) fresh coconut milk gives a nice taste today i used tinned coconut milk.

d) Add jaggery according to the sweetness of the fruit.

images of Organic dried jackfruit from costco

images of Jackfruit Payasam Recipe / Chakka Payasam Recipe / Chakka Pradhaman Recipe / Jackfruit Kheer Recipe - Onam Sadhya Recipes
Jackfruit Payasam

Made this payasam using dried organic jackfruitf from Costco. all the ingredients and procedure are same. I just pressure cooked the jackfruit along with the moongh dal and mashed it.

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Monday, January 1, 2024

Malabi Recipe / Mahalabia Recipe / Israeli Malabi Rose Water Milk Pudding Recipe / Malabi Pudding Recipe / Muhallebi Recipe

images of Malabi Recipe / Mahalabia Recipe / Israeli Malabi Rose Water Milk Pudding Recipe / Malabi Pudding Recipe / Muhallebi Recipe

Ingredients for the pudding

Whole milk - 1 & 1/2 cups

Corn flour - 2 tbsp

Sugar - 1 & 1/2 tbsp

Rose essence - few drops

( Take all ingredients into a sauce pan mix well till there are no lumps. Now switch on the stove and in slow flame keep stirring till the mixture becomes thick and raw smell has completely disappeared. Switch off the stove and add the essence and mix till combined. Pour the mixture into small cups , cover and refrigerate for 4 hours to set )

Topping ingredients

Chopped fresh strawberry - 10
Sugar - 1 tbsp
Chopped pistachio for garnish as needed
Rose syrup - 1 tbsp
images of Malabi Recipe / Mahalabia Recipe / Israeli Malabi Rose Water Milk Pudding Recipe / Malabi Pudding Recipe / Muhallebi Recipe


Take a bowl add sugar and strawberry cook in microwave for 3 minutes till soft and cooked. Cool and add 1 tbsp of Rose syrup / Rooh afza, place 1 tsp of the topping on the chilled pudding garnish with chopped pistachio and enjoy cold .

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Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Thengai Therattipal Recipe / Thengai Therattupal Recipe / Thanjavur thengai Therattupal Recipe / Coconut Thirattipal Recipe /A Traditional Thanjavur Special Sweet


images of Thengai Therattipal Recipe / Thengai Therattupal Recipe /  Thanjavur thengai Therattupal Recipe / A Traditional Thanjavur Special Sweet
Thengai Therattipal


Grated coconut - 1 cup

Grated jaggery - 1 cup

( Make sure it's clean other wise dissolve in water and filter to remove any impurities)

Yellow moongh dal - 1/4 cup

( Dry roast the dal till light brown, do not over fry. Cool and grind to a fine powder)

Ghee - 1 tbsp

Coconut oil - 1 tsp

Coconut bits - 1 tbsp

Chopped cashew nuts - 8

Cardamom crushed - 2


heat ghee in a pan and fry coconut bits and cashew nuts till light brown, keep it aside.

Add the grated coconut , jaggery, powdered moongh dal and very little water , grind till well combined. Transfer this into a thick bottomed pan.

In low flame keep mixing till the mixture thickens and starts to leave the sides of the pan.

Now add the fried cashew nuts , coconut bits and cardamom powder mix well and switch off the stove.

Add the coconut oil mix and enjoy warm.

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Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Instant Badam Halwa Recipe / Easy Badam Halwa Recipe / Almond Halwa Recipe / Badam Halwa Using Almond Flour

images of Instant Badam Halwa Recipe / Easy Badam Halwa Recipe / Almond Halwa Recipe / Badam Halwa Using Almond Flour
Easy Badam Halwa


Super fine Badam flour /Almond Flour - 1 cup heaped
( I bought it from Costco)
Sugar - 1 cup
( If you think its too sweet then add 3/4 cup)
Milk - 3/4 cup
Ghee - 3 tbsp
Cardamom crushed - 6
Saffron strings few
(soak them in 1 tbsp of warm milk)


Take a heavy bottom pan or non stick pan add sugar ,milk and almond flour.
In medium low flame cook the mixture till it gets thick.
Now add the ghee, cardamom powder and saffron mix till the mixture leaves the sides of the pan.
Switch off the stove and serve them warm.

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Sunday, October 15, 2023

Sweet Aval Mixture Recipe / Sweet Poha Chivda Recipe / Sweet Chivda Recipe - Easy Diwali Recipe

images of Sweet Aval Mixture Recipe / Sweet Poha Chivda Recipe  / Sweet Chivda Recipe - Easy Diwali Recipe
Sweet Poha Chivda


Thick poha/aval/flattened rice - 1 cup

Whole cashew nuts - 12

Almonds - 12

Raisins - 1 & 1/2 tbsp

Sugar - 3 tbsp

Cardamom -3

Oil to deep fry

images of Sweet Aval Mixture Recipe / Sweet Poha Chivda Recipe  / Sweet Chivda Recipe - Easy Diwali Recipe
Sweet Poha Chivda


Powder sugar & cardamom to a fine powder,keep it aside.

Heat oil in a pan and deep fry cashew nuts,almonds,raisins separately till light brown.

Do not burn them keep it aside now add the poha and fry till crisp.Do not fry till colour changes.

Remove all fried ingredients on a kitchen paper for extra oil to get absorbed.

While still warm sprinkle the powdered sugar/cardamom mixture.

Gently mix till everything is well combined.

Cool and store it in an airtight container.


a) Make sure your oil is hot when deep frying poha,otherwise they will not puff up and will be hard to eat.

b) Add any combination of nuts of your choice.

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Monday, September 18, 2023

Carrot Modagam Recipe / Carrot Modak Recipe / Gajar Modak Recipe / Carrot Modagam Recipe / Ganesh Chaturthi Recipe / Vinayaga Chaturthi Recipes


images of Carrot Modagam Recipe / Carrot Modak Recipe / Gajar Modak Recipe / Carrot Modagam Recipe / Ganesh Chathurthi Recipe
Carrot Modak

Ingredients for the dough

Idiappam flour - 1/2 cup
or store bought rice flour
Carrot juice-1/2 cup boiling hot
Salt a pinch
Sesame oil-1/2 tsp

Ingredients for the filling

Grated carrot - 1/2 cup
( i used the pulp from which juice was extracted )
Grated jaggery-1/2 cup
Coconut-1/4 cup
Cardamom-3 crushed
Water -1 tbsp

images of Carrot Modagam Recipe / Carrot Modak Recipe / Gajar Modak Recipe / Carrot Modagam Recipe / Ganesh Chathurthi Recipe
Carrot Modak


Take a wide bowl put the flour, salt & oil. slowly pour the boiling carrot juice mix it with a spatula , Mix till it forms to a soft dough.
Do not use hand it will be very hot.
Cover & rest it for 5 minutes. Now knead the dough well, divide the dough into equal size balls.
Take a pan add the grated jaggery, cardamom powder, grated coconut, carrot pulp and water.
Keep mixing in low flame till the mixture thickens & leaves the sides of the pan.
Switch off the flame cool the mixture, while still warm divide it into equal size balls.
Grease your fingers shape like a small cup with the outer dough, Place the poornam ball cover it & shape it out like a modakam. Make sure there are no cracks.
Steam these modakam in a greased idli plates for 5 to 7 minutes or till done.
Cool the modakam & serve them.


Adding nuts and dry fruits to the mixture are optional.

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Thursday, September 14, 2023

Aval Modagam Recipe / Poha Modak Recipe / Poha Mothagam Recipe / Easy Modak Recipe / Easy and Quick Poha Modak Recipe / Vinayagar Chathurthi Recipes / Vinayaka Chaturthi Recipes


images of Aval Modagam Recipe / Poha Modak Recipe / Poha Mothagam Recipe / Eaasy Modak Recipe / Easy and Quick Poha Modak Recipe / Vinayagar Chathurthi Recipes / Vinayaka Chaturthi Recipes


Thick or Thin Aval / Poha - 2 cups

( I used thin poha)

Jaggery - 1/2 cup

(add more or less according to your sweetness)

Water - 1 cup

( Water quantity will depend upon the quality of the poha, so add hot water if needed)

Cardamom - 4

Grated coconut - 1/ 2 cup

Roasted gram dal / Pottukadalai - 1/4 cup 

Roasted peanuts - 1/4 cup

Ghee - 2 tsp

images of Aval Modagam Recipe / Poha Modak Recipe / Poha Mothagam Recipe / Easy Modak Recipe / Easy and Quick Poha Modak Recipe / Vinayagar Chathurthi Recipes / Vinayaka Chaturthi Recipes
Poha Modak

Dry roast poha till crisp, add the poha, cardamom roasted peanut, gram dal into a blender and powder to a semi smooth powder.

Dissolve jaggery in water and filter to remove any impurities.

Add coconut to the jaggery mixture and cook for a minute. Reduce flame add the powdered mixture and mix well till combined.

Switch off the stove add ghee mix well, cover and let it cool a bit.

Grease the modak mould with ghee while still warm fill the mould with the prepared mixture , press well to get the shape.

Easy Poha modak is ready to serve Lord Ganesha.

images of Aval Modagam Recipe / Poha Modak Recipe / Poha Mothagam Recipe / Easy Modak Recipe / Easy and Quick Poha Modak Recipe / Vinayagar Chathurthi Recipes / Vinayaka Chaturthi Rec
Poha Modak

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Thursday, August 17, 2023

Panchamrutham Recipe / Panchamrit Recipe / Panchamrut Recipe / Panchamirtham Recipe / Pazhani Panchamirtham Recipe / Palani Panchamrutham Recipe / Panjamirtham Recipe


images of Panchamrutham Recipe / Panchamrit Recipe / Panchamrut Recipe / Panchamirtham Recipe /  Pazhani Panchamirtham Recipe / Palani Panchamrutham Recipe / Panjamirtham Recip


Ripe banana - 1 large

Salt a pinch

Brown sugar - 1 tsp

Chopped dates - 6

Raisins - 1 tsp

Cardamom powder - a generous pinch

Edible camphor - a tiny pinch

Ghee - 1 tsp

Honey - 1 tsp

Sugar candy / Kalkandu - 1 tsp


Add all the ingredients into a bowl, except for sugar candy.

Using your fingers mash, do not mash till its a paste. Fruits must still hold their shape..

Lastly add the sugar candyand mix, your Panjamrutham is ready!

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Monday, July 17, 2023

Aadi Paal Recipe / Aadi Thengai Paal Payasam / Coconut Milk Payasam Recipe / Thengai Paal Payasam Recipe - Easy Payasam Recipes


images of Aadi Paal Recipe / Aadi Thengai Paal Payasam / Coconut Milk Payasam Recipe / Thengai Paal Payasam Recipe - Easy Payasam Recipes
Aadi Paal


Thick coconut milk - 1 cup

Thin coconut milk - 1/2 cup

Jaggery - 1/4 cup

Water - 1/4 cup

Salt - a pinch

Edible camphor - a pinch

Crushed cardamom - 1

Cashew nuts fried in ghee - 1 tsp


Dissolve the rice flour in the thin coconut milk and keep it aside.
Pour water into a pan add the jaggery and dissolve, filter the liquid to remove impurities.
Pour the thin coconut milk into the jaggery and in low flame boil for 3 to 4 minutes. Reduce the flame and pour the thick coconut milk.
In low flame cook for few minutes and switch off the stove. Do not boil.
Add the cardamom powder, salt and edible camphor mix and enjoy hot.


a) Fresh coconut milk is best to make this payasam, but canned coconut milk can be replaced.

b) Adding rice flour prevents from curdling.

c) Once thick coconut milk is added do not boil.

d) Colour of the recipe depends upon the quality of the jaggery.

e) Always mix before serving.

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Thursday, June 1, 2023

Bombay Beetroot Halwa / Beetroot Karachi Halwa / Beetroot Corn flour Halwa Recipe / Easy Halwa Recipe


images of Bombay Beetroot Halwa / Beetroot Karachi Halwa / Beetroot Corn flour Halwa Recipe / Easy Halwa Recipe
Beetroot Karachi Halwa


Corn flour powder - 1/2 cup

Sugar - 1 cup ( heaped)

( If the beetroot is not sweet then add 1/4 to 1/2 cup extra sugar)

Water - 2 & 1/4 cups

Beetroot - 2 small size

( peel the skin and cut into cubes )

Cardamom - 2 powdered finely

Chopped  nuts of your choice - 1 & 1/2 tbsp

Ghee - 3 tbsp


Grease a tray with ghee & keep it ready.

Add the water and beetroot into a blender and grind till smooth and strain the juice.

Take a non stick pan add the corn flour powder , beetroot juice and the sugar. whisk it well to make sure there are no lumps 

Now switch on the stove in medium low flame keep stirring till the mixture has started to form a jelly texture , transparent & looks shiny.

Make sure the raw smell has disappeared completely, now add the cardamom powder & mix.

From this stage start adding the ghee little by little & keep mixing till the whole mixture leaves the

sides off the pan.

Add the chopped nuts and give a quick mix , switch off the stove.

Pour the halwa into a greased tray and pat gently to spread.. Cool the halwa for at least 30 minutes..

Cut it into desired shapes and enjoy!


a) Non stick pan works better for this halwa.

b) Use any nuts of your choice.

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Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Easy Bread Malpua / Bread Malpua Recipe / Malpua Recipe

images of Easy Bread Malpua / Bread Malpua Recipe
Bread Malpua
White bread slices - 6
( remove crust and cut the bread slices into circles)
Sugar - 1 cup
Water 1 cup
Fennel seeds crushed - 1/2 tsp
Saffron strings few
Chopped almonds and pistachio - 1 tbsp
Oil - 10 tsp
Ghee - 10 tsp

Dissolve sugar in water and boil till you get a sticky syrup.Add fennel seeds and saffron mix and keep it aside.Do not make a very thick syrup then the fried bread slices will not absorb the syrup.
Heat ghee and oil together in a pan add the bread slices and deep fry in medium high flame till crisp and light brown on all sides.
Dip each fried bread into the sugar syrup and remove it to a plate.Do not dip for too long then bread will become soggy.
Sprinkle the nuts on top and enjoy eating it warm.

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Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Milk Powder Rasgulla Recipe / Sponge Rasgulla Using MIlk Powder / Rosgolla Recipe Using Milk Powder / Bengali Rasagulla Using Milk Powder

images of Milk Powder Rasgulla Recipe / Sponge Rasgulla Using MIlk Powder / Rosgolla Recipe Using Milk Powder / Bengali Rasagulla Using Milk Powder
Milk Powder Rasgulla

Ingredients for the rasagulla

Cow's whole milk powder - 1 cup

( Do not use non dairy milk powder, rasgullas will turn rubbery)

Water - 3 & 1/2 cups

All purpose flour / Maida - 1/2 tsp

Sooji - 1/2 tsp

Sugart - 1 tsp

Vinegar - 2 tbsp

( mix vinegar with 2 tbsp of water)

Ingredients for the syrup

Sugar - 1 cup

Water 3 & 1/2 cups

Cardamom - 3


Pour water in a wide vessel add the milk powder and mix , bring the milk to a boil stirring frequently.

Slowly add the vinegar you can see the cheese has separated from the whey water.

Now drain the whey water using a cheese cloth or muslin cloth. Wash the cheese/paneer in running water 2 or 3 times to remove the vinegar smell.

Put it on a muslin cloth and squeeze out to remove excess whey.

Crumble the paneer and knead it using your palm still soft.

Now add the flour ,sugar , sooji and using palm gently knead to for a soft dough.

Roll out the mixture into small balls,do not roll it out big as this will double in size while cooking.

Dissolve sugar in water add the cardamom & give a rolling boil. Now slowly add the paneer balls.

Cover the vessel with a lid & in high flame cook for 10 minutes , stirring in between is not needed.

Reduce flame and boil for another 15 minutes, switch off the flame.

Garnish with saffron string and serve it cold or warm.


a) For extra flavor you can add rose essence.

b) Do not use non dairy milk powder for this recipe they will turn rubbery.

c) Kneading the paneer till soft is the key for best result.

For Rasagulla using milk click HERE 

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