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Tuesday, July 8, 2014

How to make Paneer / Homemade Cottage Cheese Recipe / Homemade Paneer Recipe

Step by step method/picture to make paneer at home
images for How to make Paneer / Homemade Cottage Cheese Recipe / Homemade Paneer Recipe
Homemade Paneer
Whole milk ( full fat milk)- 5 cups
White vinegar -2 tbsp

images for How to make Paneer (Cottage Cheese) / Homemade Paneer Recipe
Homemade Paneer
Boil the milk in a deep heavy bottom vessel.
When the milk rises to the top,lower the flame.Immediately add the vinegar,stir it with a ladle.
The milk will break & curdle.Boil it for a minute,you will see the panner has separated from the water.Switch off the stove.
Place a clean muslin cloth on a strainer & pour the curdled milk on the cloth.
Rinse this panner once in cold water to get rid of the sour taste of the vinegar.
Wait till all the water has drained out.Tie the cloth tightly flatten it slightly & place a heavy vessel on top.
Leave it for 1 hours till the water is out from the paneer.
Cut the paneer into cubes & store it in a clean glass container.
Now your homemade panner is ready to use.
a) You can use the whey water to any gravy or for kneading chapathi dough
b) To curdle the milk you can also use curd or lemon juice.
c) Make sure you rinse the paneer to remove the sourness before you tie the cloth.
d) Always use only whole milk with full fat.
e) If vinegar/lime juice is added before milk is boiled then your paneer will break.always make sure they are added to boiling milk to get perfect firm paneer.

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