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Thursday, December 17, 2020

Stuffed Zucchini Boats / Zucchini Boats Recipe / Easy Baked Stuffed Zucchini Boats

images of Stuffed Zucchini Boats / Zucchini Boats Recipe / Easy Baked Stuffed Zucchini Boats
Stuffed Zucchini Boats
Stuffing ingredients

Ground chicken - 1 cup

Marinara sauce - 1/4 cup

Salt and Pepper powder to taste

Italian seasoning - 1/4 tsp

Chopped fresh parsley - 2 tbsp

Chilly flakes - 1 tbsp

Chopped onion - a handful

Garlic salt - as needed

Zucchini flesh chopped

Olive oil - 3 tsp

Other ingredients

Zucchini - 1 large

( trim the edges and cut into half and scoop out the flesh,use the flesh for filling)

Mozzarella cheese - as needed

Baby potatoes - 4 and garlic -2

( I cut them and roasted along with zucchini boats) - Optional

images of Stuffed Zucchini Boats / Zucchini Boats Recipe / Easy Baked Stuffed Zucchini Boats
Baked Stuffed Zucchini Boats

Heat oil in a pan and fry onion, parsley and zucchini flesh till color changes. Add the ground chicken, seasoning and fry in high flame for couple minutes.

Lower the flame and add the marinara sauce, cook till the mixture thickens.switch off the stove and mix in the parsley leaves,

Grease a baking dish and arrange the zucchini boats and potatoes and garlic on the sides

Take the cooked chicken mixture and fill it inside the zucchini boats.

Sprinkle cheese and parsley on top and bake at 400 deg.F for 25 minutes or till cooked.

Serve hot!


Use your imagination to create interesting fillings

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Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Semiya Ven Pongal / Vermicelli Pongal Ven Pongal / Semiya Khaara Pongal / Vermicille Pongal

images of Semiya Ven Pongal / Vermicelli Pongal Ven Pongal / Semiya Khaara Pongal / Vermicille Pongal
Semiya Pongal

Roasted Semiya/Vermicille -1 cup
Yellow moongh dhal - 1/4 cup
Turmeric powder - 1/ 2tsp
Salt to taste
Water - 4 cups
Crushed pepper-1/2 tsp
Crushed jeera-1/2 tsp
Curry leaves-little
Cashew nut -1tbsp
Grated ginger - 1/2 tsp
Chopped green chillies - 2
Oil - 2 tsp
images of Semiya Ven Pongal / Vermicelli Pongal Ven Pongal / Semiya Khaara Pongal / Vermicille Pongal
Vermicelli Pongal
Add moongh dal to a pressure cooker and dry roast till nice aroma comes out. 
Add 2 cups of water and turmeric powder,pressure cook till its 3/4 th cooked.
Dry roast semiya till slightly colour changes. Do not over fry and burn them.
Heat ghee and oil in a pan and temper it with green chillies,ginger,crushed pepper,jeera,curry leaves and cashew nuts.Add the cooked dal and add remaining water and give a boil.
Reduce the flame and add the dry roasted semiya,cover and cook till done.
Switch off the stove add a teaspoon of ghee, mix and serve hot with any chutney you like.

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Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Milagai Vadai Recipe / Dharmapuri Special Milagai Vadai / Milagai Vada Recipe

images of Milagai Vadai Recipe / Dharmapuri Special Milagai Vadai
Milagai Vadai

Sona masoori rice - 1/2 cup

(Do not used Idli rice)

Thur dal - 1/2 cup

Salt to taste

Dry red chillies - 5

( I used Kashmiri chilies -2 and regular chilies -3)

Fennel seeds - 1/2 tsp

Cloves - 2

Cinnamon stick - a small piece

Garlic - 3

Ginger - a small piece

Diced onion - a handful

( Usually small onions are used)

Chopped curry and coriander leaves - 1 tbsp

Oil to shallow fry as needed.

images of Milagai Vadai Recipe / Dharmapuri Special Milagai Vadai
Dharmapuri Milagai Vadai

Wash rice and dal and soak it in clean water along with dry red chillies for just 10 minutes. 

Do not soak more than 10 minutes then your vadas will not turn out crisp.

Take a mixi jar add fennel seeds,cloves,cinnamon,ginger,garlic and pluse once then add the drained rice,dal,red chillies,onions and grind it to a semi coarse batter. While grinding add water in intervals.

Transfer to a bowl add salt, chopped curry and coriander leaves, mix well.

The batter should be a semi thick pouring consistency. Do not add too much water and dilute.

Heat oil in a pan when hot drop a ladle of batter in the center and shallow fry till brown on all sides.

Remove from oil and serve hot with coconut chutney.

images of Milagai Vadai Recipe / Dharmapuri Special Milagai Vadai
Milagai Adai

a) This batter can be made even like Adai.

b) Use only raw rice for this recipe. Soaking time is important otherwise the vadas will not turn crisp.

c) To not add more water to the batter, they should be a semi thick pouring consistency batter.

d) Do not add more spices as they will dominate the dish.

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Friday, December 11, 2020

Kambu Dosai / Bajra Dosa / Kambhu Dosa / Pearl Millet Dosa - Millet Recipes

images of Kambu Dosai / Bajra Dosa / Pearl Millet Dosa - Millet Recipes
Kambu Dosa
Kambu / Bajra / Pearl Millet - 1 cup
Idli rice - 1/2 cup
Whole urad dal with skin - 1/4 cup
Methi - 1/2 tsp
Salt to taste
Oil to make dosa
Wash and soak bajra,rice,methi and urad dal together overnight.
Next day grind all together to a semi thick smooth batter.
Add salt mix and leave it to ferment for 8 hours.
Your batter is ready for use,heat a dosa pan when hot pour a ladle of batter and spread it.
Pour few drops of oil around the dosa once brown on one side flip the other side to cook.
Remove it on a plate and serve with any chutney you like.

For more Millet recipes click HERE

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Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Wheat Rava Pongal / Godhumai Rava Pongal / Samba Rava Pongal

images of Wheat Rava Pongal / Godhumai Rava Pongal / Samba Rava Pongal
Wheat Rava Pongal
Tempering ingredients
Oil - 2 tsp
Ghee - 2 tbsp
Crushed whole black pepper - 1 tsp
Jeera - 3/4 tsp
Cashew nuts - 8
Grated ginger - 1 tsp
Curry leaves few
Other ingredients
Wheat Rava / Godhumai Rava - 1 cup
Yellow moongh dal - 1/2 cup
Water - 5 cups
Salt to taste
images of Wheat Rava Pongal / Godhumai Rava Pongal / Samba Rava Pongal
Godhumai Rava Pongal
Add moongh dal to a pressure cooker and dry roast till nice aroma comes out.
Add the wheat rava and saute till its just hot.
Pour water add salt and pressure cook till soft.
Heat ghee/oil in a pan and temper it with above ingredients.
Pour the tempering into the pongal mix and serve hot with any chutney you like.

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Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Chettinad Rangoon Puttu / Rangoon Puttu Recipe / Rava Puttu with Jaggery

images of Chettinad Rangoon Puttu / Rangoon Puttu Recipe / Rava Puttu with Jaggery
Rangoon Puttu

Rava/Sooji/Semolina - 1/4 cup
Water - 3/4 cup
Jaggery- 1/4 cup
( reduce if you don't want too sweet)
Ghee - 1 tbsp ( heaped)
Oil - 2 tsp
Cashew nuts - 10
Cardamom powder - 1/8 tsp
Grated coconut - 2 tbsp
images of Chettinad Rangoon Puttu / Rangoon Puttu Recipe / Rava Puttu with Jaggery
Rava Puttu with Jaggery
Fry cashew nuts in 1 tsp ghee till light brown & keep it aside.
In the same pan add the remaining ghee and oil add the rava and grated coconut fry it in medium low flame till colour changes & nice aroma comes.
Switch off the flame & keep it aside.
Dissolve jaggery in water filter if there are any impurities and bring it to a boil.
Pour the hot jaggery syrup into the fried rava coconut mixture, mix well to make sure there are no lumps.
Switch on the flame,cover with a lid & in very low flame cook till water has evaporated & cooked.
Now add the fried nuts and cardamom powder,mix it well till everything is well combined.
Switch off the stove & serve them warm.
a) Fry rava well otherwise your puttu will be sticky.
b)Add jaggery according to the sweetness you want.

Inspired by Revathy Shanmugam

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Monday, December 7, 2020

Pita Bread Recipe / Homemade Pita Bread / Easy Pita Bread Recipe

images of Pita Bread Recipe / Homemade Pita Bread / Easy Pita Bread Recipe
Pita Bread

All purpose flour / Maida- 1 cup

Wheat flour - 1 cup

Salt - 1 tsp

Olive oil - 2 tbsp

Warm water - 1 cup + 1 tbsp

Sugar - 1 tbsp

Dry yeast - 1/2 tsp heaped

( all ways use good quality yeast to get the best result)


Add yeast and sugar to 1 cup of warm water mix cover and rest to activate in a warm place ( till foamy).

Take a wide bowl add both the flours,oil,salt and the activated yeast mixture,gently mix with a wooden spoon.Add 1 tbsp of water if needed and using your hand knead the dough for 5 minutes till soft.

Grease a bowl with oil and place the dough,cover the dough and rest to rise for 3 hours at a warm place.

Divide the dough into equal size balls.Roll out each ball into a semi thick disc.

Cover with a wet cloth and rest for another 30 minute.

Heat a tawa when hot place the roll disc and cook on both sides till light brown and puffs up.While cooking gently press with a cloth for the pita bread to puff.

Remove from tawa and serve warm with any dip you like.

Adapted from MerryBoosters.

images of
Baba Ganoush

For Baba Ganoush recipe click HERE

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Baba Ganoush Recipe / Lebanese Baba Ganoush Recipe / Roasted Eggplant Dip Recipe

images of Baba Ganoush Recipe / Lebanese Baba Ganoush Recipe / Roasted Eggplant Dip Recipe
Baba Ganoush

Home grown purple eggplants - 2 medium size

( Apply oil to the eggplant,prick all sides with a fork and bake it at 400 deg.F for 40 minutes or till soft.Cool cut into half and scoop out the flesh discard the skin.If you don't have an oven then use a  grill or roast it on direct flame on stove)

Salt and pepper powder to taste

Paprika powder - 1 tsp

Cumin powder - 1/4 tsp

Chopped fresh parsley - 1 tbsp

Olive oil - 1 tbsp

Grated garlic - 3

Homemade Tahini - 2 tbsp ( add more if you like)

( Dry roast 2 tbsp of white sesame seeds till they splutter.Cool and grind with little salt and needed oil to a thick smooth paste.Store it in a clean jar in fridge.Add grape seed oil,light olive oil or canola oil )

Lemon juice - 1 tbsp

images of Baba Ganoush Recipe / Lebanese Baba Ganoush Recipe / Roasted Eggplant Dip Recipe
Roasted Eggplant Dip

Take a bowl add the eggplant flesh and mash it well to this add all the above ingredients and mix well till pale and well combined.Adjust seasonings according to your taste buds.

The colour of the dish depends upon the eggplant variety and the quantity of Tahini we use.

Drizzle some olive oil on top sprinkle some paprika powder and serve as a dip with vegetables of your choice or Pita bread.

images of
Pita Bread

For Pita Bread Recipe click HERE

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Saturday, December 5, 2020

Easy No Knead Dinner Rolls / Dinner Rolls / Soft Dinner Rolls Recipe / Easy Homemade Dinner Rolls

images of Easy No Knead Dinner Rolls / Dinner Rolls / Soft Dinner Rolls Recipe / Easy Homemade Dinner Rolls
Dinner Rolls

All purpose flour / Maida - 1 & 3/4 cup

Warm milk - 1/2 cup

Dry yeast - 1/2 tsp

Salt - 1/2 tsp

Sugar - 1 & 1/2 tbsp

Soft butter - 3 tbsp

Egg - 1

Other Ingredients

Butter to grease the tray

Egg beaten - 1

( for egg wash)

Melted butter as needed

images of Easy No Knead Dinner Rolls / Dinner Rolls / Soft Dinner Rolls Recipe / Easy Homemade Dinner Rolls
Easy No Need Dinner Rolls

Mix sugar and yeast into the warm milk,mix cover and rest the yeast to activate ( till foamy).

Take a bowl add the activated yeast mixture,egg and softened butter mix it with a fork.

Now slowly add the all purpose flour and salt, using a spoon keep mixing till you form a soft sticky dough.Transfer the dough into a greased bowl cover and rest for 3 hours or more till dough has doubled in size.

Dust the work place with very little flour place the dough and roll like a log.Cut into 5 or 6 equal size pieces.

Gently roll each piece into a ball and place it on a greased baking tray.

Cover and rest for another 1 hour for them to rise.Brush the beaten egg on top using a brush and bake them at 375 deg.F for 20 minutes or till done.Each oven is different so keep an eye.

Remove from the oven brush the top of each dinner roll with butter and serve warm.

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Friday, December 4, 2020

Puliyodharai With Cauliflower Rice / Cauliflower Puliyodarai / Tamarind Cauliflower Rice Recipe - Cauliflower Rice Recipes

images of Puliyodharai With Cauliflower Rice / Cauliflower Puliyodarai / Tamarind Cauliflower Rice Recipe - Cauliflower Rice Recipes
Cauliflower Puliyodharai

Frozen cauliflower rice - 2 cups

( cook according to the pack)

Pulikachal - as needed

Curry leaves few

Salt as needed


Mix the needed pulikachal into the hot cooked cauliflower rice,add salt if needed and some fresh curry leaves.Mix till everything is well combined.

Serve hot!

Click HERE for Pulikachal recipe.

Click HERE for other Cauliflower Rice recipes.

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