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Sunday, December 4, 2022

Amla Murabba Recipe / Indian Gooseberry Murabba / Gur Amla Murabba Recipe / Gooseberry Relish


images of Amla Murabba Recipe / Indian Gooseberry Murabba / Gur Amla Murabba Recipe
Amla Murabba


Fresh amla - 300 gms

( I used frozen cut amla today, if using fresh steam the amlas for 10 minutes or till soft , prick them with a fork all sides)

Jaggery - 2 cups

( dissolve in water and filter to remove impurities )

Water - 2 cups

(add more if needed)

Crushed cardamom - 2

Dry ginger powder - 1/2 tsp

images of Amla Murabba Recipe / Indian Gooseberry Murabba / Gur Amla Murabba Recipe
Gur Amla Murabba

Pour the jaggery liquid into a pan add the amlas in low flame cook till syrup is thick like honey and amlas turn brown. Stir in intervals for even cooking.

Add the cardamom and ginger powder mix well and switch off the stove.

Cool and store it in a glass jar in fridge.


a) You can make this recipe even with sugar.

Thanks for visiting !

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